
By aiming to take the life quality to an upper level with the whole realized Projects, Homepark continues to be the address of luxury.

Kyiv | G. Stalingrada Avenue, 6 Vilnius | Antakalnio St. 17

© 2020 Homepark | Real Estate & Luxury Homes



Maria José Alves, PhD: Biotechnology – Microbiology Branch at Aquavalor

“The KASA|PT host program allowed AquaValor, located in Chaves, to offer a unique experience of integration in the laboratory research environment to a student of Erasmus. It was with great pleasure that AquaValor received Yacine Eslm, from France, giving you the knowledge of the work developed in the institution, namely in what concerns the study of the hydrogenome of different Portuguese natural mineral waters.

It was an enriching experience, both for AquaValor, which saw its
increased mentoring capabilities, as well as for the student, who proved to be extremely enthusiastic about the knowledge acquired in the field of microbiology and molecular biology. It will certainly be an experience to be repeated.”



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