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Trainee in Lisbon – Dog Day Care at Instituto do Animal

“I spent 3 amazing months in Portugal thanks to KASA|PT. Me and the other 28 French people selected for the mobility were very well supported before arriving in Lisbon, with lots of video calls, information sessions, WhatsApp groups and individual chats with KASA|PT members to answer any of our questions.

They picked us up at the airport, dropped us at the shared apartments and provided informations about Lisbon and the areas.
I personally didn’t fit well in my internship and had some issues with the person I shared my room with so I told them and they got me a new internship that I absolutely loved and a new room very quickly. We also had weekly online English lessons with a super nice teacher and very interesting study subjects to progress quickly!

My internship was in a dog daycare, I worked 3 days a week which gave me plenty of free time to explore Lisbon and the areas, and still be able to become a real member of the daycare’s team.

During my stay I was able to travel to the south of Portugal with my friends from the program, learn how to surf and take weekly lessons during my whole stay, visit Sintra and other towns nearby, and experience life in the amazing Lisbon.

This experience was truly beneficial for my life. It gave me a lot of opportunities, taught me so much about myself and what I am able to accomplish, and most of all unforgettable memories. 2 years has passed since my time in Lisbon, and I am still in touch with my internship boss with whom I have a very great relationship, and with KASA|PT director as well who is one of the nicest person I ever met. Thank you KASA|PT, I’ll never forget my experience with you!”



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